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  2. Tab King General Operations
  3. Starting and Ending employee shifts and tills

Starting and Ending employee shifts and cash tills

Starting your shift

1. Find your name/Login on the screen

2. Enter your PIN and press LOG IN

3. Press the green CLOCK IN button

4. On the right hand side of the screen press the name of the till you would like to enter in the system.

(for example the Food and Beverage or Pulltabs buttons)

5. Enter the amount of your starting till in the ENTER OPENING AMOUNT box at the top by pressing the box, entering the dollar amount and pressing ACCEPT

6. Press the OPEN TILL button on the bottom right of the screen

7. Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 for any additional cash tills you would like to open.

8. You are now ready to start your shift!


Ending your shift

1. Navigate to the Pulltabs/Time Clock portion of Tab King

2. Press the TILL & TIMECLOCK button on the left hand side of the screen.

3. Press the CLOSE TILLS AND CLOCK OUT button on the bottom right of the screen.

4. Press the CLOSE button on the right side of the screen that corresponds to the till you would like to close.

5. Press the CLOSE TILL button

6. Enter the amount of cash you have to drop in the ENTER CLOSING AMOUNT box at the top of the screen.

7. Press the CLOSE TILL button at the bottom of the screen

8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for any additional tills you need to close.

9. When you have closed all of your cash tills, press the CLOCK OUT AND LOG OUT button on the bottom of the screen.